Friday, April 30, 2010

Ugh...more tests

I guess I shouldn't complain. My dear friend Brooke has multiple tests most days.

Dr. Leo said there are a few spots on my liver they want to check out to make sure they are not cancerous. He said 20% of people have these little lesions on their liver and the other test (no idea what is was called) came back normal so most likely it is not cancer. However, he wants to make sure. So I have a PETscan scheduled for Monday. Results should be back by Wednesday in time for my first chemo treatment on Thursday. He will call me with results on Wednesday, my chemo treatment will start at 10 a.m. and will take approximately 5 hours. My fellow cancer warrior, Christy, will be going with me the first time to show me the to speak.

He also said my heart was very strong so he is going to change the chemo drug to something stronger. My treatment plan now consists of 6 treatments every three weeks. He wouldn't give me a straight answer when I asked if it was going to make me sicker so I'm filling prescriptions for nausea medicine now and preparing for the worst.

My mom is hosting a hat and turban party for me on Sunday from 2-4 pm. I'm looking forward to making a fashion statement this summer! Won't everyone be jealous of me at the ballpark this summer when its 98 degrees and they are sweating under all the long, thick hair? :)

Friday, April 23, 2010

Hat and Turban party

As you might expect, I'll be losing my hair due to the upcoming chemo treatment. I've made arrangements with the ladies at Visible Changes to donate my hair to Locks of Love after my first treatment. Locks of Love is a public non-profit organization that provides hairpieces to financially disadvantaged children in the United States and Canada under age 21 suffering from long-term medical hair loss from any diagnosis.

My mother is hosting a Hat and Turban party for me at her home, 1024 S. Maple Circle, Bolivar, Missouri, on Sunday, May 2 from 2:00 to 4:00 pm. If you would like to come please RSVP directly to me via email,

tshirts are in

Thanks to all who ordered shirts! I've raised $450 already and plan to place another order next week.

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Farmers Brown team at Relay for Life

If you are interested in joining our team at the Relay for Life in Bolivar, Missouri on June 18, 2010 please send me an email!

Breast Cancer Awareness tshirts for sale

I created this shirt design after shopping for a Breast Cancer Awareness tshirt and finding nothing available with a Scripture reference. The price for the tshirt is $10, XXL are $12.50, all proceeds will be donated to the American Cancer Society at the Relay for Life in Bolivar on June 18, 2010.

I chose the American Cancer Society instead of breast cancer awareness because so many of my friends and family have been affected by many types of cancer.

You may per-order your shirt online here.

No one ever wants to hear the "C" word...

On February 22, 2010, I received the phone call everyone dreads. A call from the nurse stating the mammogram and biopsy were positive for cancer. It's been kind of a whirlwind since that day. What started out as a very curable DCIS in the right breast has turned into much more. After more tests, invasive cancer was discovered in the left breast (this was silent on the mammogram - scary), and an additional invasive area in the right breast.

On March 16, 2010 I had a bilateral mastectomy. I met with Dr. Leo at the Babb Cancer Center last week and will start chemotherapy treatment on or about May 6. I have a CAT scan and chest xray next week to confirm my body can handle the proposed treatment. Dr. Leo recommended four treatments, one every three weeks followed by an additional dose once a week for 12 weeks. With this proposed treatment, eating seven servings of veggies and fruit a day, working out 45 minutes a day, I can reduce the chances of recurrence to approx. 4%!